LG or Samsung


Deciding between an LG or Samsung refrigerator is one of the most important purchasing decisions you'll make for your kitchen. A high-quality refrigerator should last over 10 years, meaning you'll likely have your LG or Samsung refrigerator for the next decade or longer. With two leading brands LG and Samsung, it can be tricky to determine which is the better brand for your needs. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll compare LG and Samsung refrigerators across several categories to help you determine which is the right brand for your kitchen. We'll look at key factors like features, design, performance, reliability, pricing, warranties, and more. Whether you're doing a kitchen remodel or simply need a new fridge, read on to find out if you should choose LG or Samsung.

Brand Overviews

First, let's take a quick look at the histories and reputations of LG and Samsung as major home appliance manufacturers. This background will provide helpful context as we compare the refrigerator models of these two brands.


LG History and Reputation

LG Electronics was established in South Korea in 1958 and has grown into one of the world's top makers of electronics including TVs, phones, and of course, home appliances. For over 60 years, LG has built a reputation for innovation in the home appliance space. 

When it comes to refrigerators, LG is known for having a wide range of styles and configurations available at different price points. They make French-door, side-by-side, bottom-freezer, and top-freezer models. Their refrigerators are appreciated for cutting-edge smart features, large capacity, and quiet performance. While not the most budget-friendly brand, LG refrigerators are considered good values given their specs and reliability.

Samsung History and Reputation

Headquartered in South Korea, Samsung was founded in 1938 as a trading company before expanding into electronics. Samsung is now a leading manufacturer of smartphones, TVs, and home appliances including refrigerators. 

Samsung refrigerators are praised for their modern designs, spacious interiors, and innovative storage options like FlexZone drawers. They offer premium features like dual ice makers and auto-fill water pitchers on certain models. While pricier than some brands, Samsung refrigerators deliver stellar performance and durability. Their fridges consistently receive rave reviews from both professional testers and homeowners.

Key Features and Technologies

Modern refrigerators come packed with features that make cooling, storing, and accessing your food easier. From smartphone connectivity to temperature management, today's fridges do far more than simply keep food cold. Here we'll see how LG and Samsung refrigerators compare when it comes to top features and tech.


Smart Functionality


Many new refrigerators work with smart home platforms and have mobile apps for monitoring and controlling the fridge remotely. Both LG and Samsung offer excellent smart connectivity:

  •  LG's ThinQ app lets you adjust temperatures, receive notifications, and more all from your smartphone. Compatible with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple's HomeKit.

  • Samsung's Family Hub models have built-in touch screens to control settings, play music, see inside the fridge, view calendars, and mirror your smartphone screen. Also works with Bixby, Alexa, and SmartThings.

When it comes to smart functionality, LG and Samsung are on par, both offering advanced remote features and voice control. One difference is that LG integrates with more third-party smart platforms while Samsung pushes its own Bixby platform. But for most homeowners, both brands provide ample smart fridge capability.

Storage Configurations 


Today's refrigerators come in multiple configurations to accommodate different types of food items. Here are some popular storage types offered by LG and Samsung:

  • French door refrigerators have two side-by-side doors up top with a full-width freezer drawer below. This design maximizes shelf space and storage flexibility. Offered by both brands.

  • Side-by-side refrigerators have the fridge and freezer compartments sitting next to each other with full-height doors. This streamlined look is available from both LG and Samsung. 

  • Bottom freezer refrigerators position the freezer on the bottom with the fresh food section up. It makes frequently used items easy to access and is offered by both LG and Samsung.

  • Four-door refrigerators have two fridge doors and two freezer drawers for maximum flexible storage. A high-end option offered by LG and Samsung.

No matter which configuration fits your kitchen best, you'll find options from both LG and Samsung. When it comes to storage design, it's a toss-up between the two refrigerator giants. 


Temperature Management and Airflow

Precise temperature control and even cooling airflow are must-have features for any refrigerator. Here is how LG and Samsung refrigerators stack up in these areas:

  • LG uses liners with an anti-bacterial coating and its "LinearCooling" system to maintain consistent temperatures and humidity throughout the fridge and freezer sections.

  • Samsung boasts "Triple Cooling" technology with independent zones and vents to prevent flavor transfer and make sure all areas stay optimized for either cooling or freezing.

  • Both brands offer temperature-controlled crisper drawers to keep fruits and veggies fresh.

Overall, LG and Samsung refrigerators are evenly matched when it comes to advanced temperature control and cooling technology. Either brand will excel at keeping your food properly chilled at ideal humidity levels.

Interior Organization and Storage

Refrigerator interiors keep getting more clever when it comes to storage solutions. Here are some notable features that LG and Samsung offer:

  • Adjustable and spill-proof glass shelving, door bins, and drawers are standard for both brands. This makes organizing all fridge contents easy.

  • LG's Door-in-Door compartment provides quick access to commonly used items without opening the whole door. Plus, some models have slide-out bins for hidden storage.

  • Samsung boasts their FlexZone drawer which can switch from fridge to freezer as needed. Great for cold drinks, thawing meats, and more dual-purpose tasks.

If inner storage flexibility is important to you, LG pulls ahead slightly when it comes to specialized compartments and slide-out bins. But Samsung answers back with their transforming FlexZone drawer. Overall, both brands excel at interior organization.  


Advanced Features and Add-Ons

Today's refrigerators go above and beyond with extra features for convenience and customization. Here are some cool offerings from LG and Samsung:

  • LG's InstaView lets you knock twice on the glass to illuminate the interior so you can see inside without opening the door. Helpful for a quick peek to avoid cooling loss. Also, some models have a craft ice maker for perfect spheres.

  • Samsung includes models' autofill water pitchers and with dual ice makers to prevent shortages. Their Family Hub models have a built-in touchscreen and internal cameras so you can check what's inside while you're away from home.

While niche, these types of bonus features can be difference-makers when choosing between refrigerators. Think about which add-ons would provide the most daily value in your kitchen.


Performance and Durability 

At the end of the day, refrigerator performance and longevity are what matter. You want a fridge that will maintain proper temperatures and run reliably for over a decade. Here are some key considerations when evaluating LG vs Samsung for performance:

  • Both brands use durable stainless steel and high-quality insulation for excellent temperature and humidity control. Either will effectively keep food fresh for the expected shelf life.

  • Compressors are one of the most critical refrigerator components. LG uses linear compressors for quiet operation and proven reliability. Samsung uses digital inverters for energy efficiency with a solid track record.

  • Noise level is another key performance metric. LG tends to be a bit quieter at around 40 decibels while Samsung runs closer to 46 decibels. Either rate is relatively quiet compared to older refrigerators.  

  • When it comes to lifespan, both LG and Samsung fridges often last over 10 years, even 15+ years in some cases. With proper maintenance, these are appliances that should provide over a decade of reliable service.

Given their track records, both LG and Samsung are excellent options when it comes to refrigerator performance, durability, and longevity. Either brand is built to provide many years of efficient and trouble-free cooling for your kitchen.

Pricing and Warranties

With both LG and Samsung positioned as premium appliance brands, their refrigerator models don't come cheap. Let's look at typical pricing and coverage to help make sense of what to expect cost-wise:

  • For a standard 36-inch French door refrigerator, expect to pay $2,000 - $3,500 for either LG or Samsung. High-end models with extra features and larger sizes can cost up to $5,000+.

  • LG tends to have lower regular prices compared to Samsung, but Samsung runs more frequent promotions to make pricing competitive. Ultimately, you'll find comparable prices for similar configurations between the brands.

  • Warranties are strong for both companies - you get 1-year overall coverage plus 5-10 years (or longer) for major sealed system components. This shows the confidence each brand has in their refrigerator's durability.

When it comes to MSRP pricing and warranties, LG and Samsung are very similar. Of course, you should compare deals and sales prices when shopping. However, you can expect to pay competitive market rates for either brand's refrigerators based on features, sizes, and configurations. The warranties show both LG and Samsung are committed to their fridges' longevity.


LG or Samsung Refrigerator: Which is Right for Your Kitchen?

Now that we've compared LG and Samsung refrigerators across all the key purchasing factors, let's summarize the high-level pros and cons of each brand:

Reasons to Choose LG:

  • Wide range of configurations including double-door and triple-door designs
  • Cutting-edge smart home integration using ThinQ technology
  • Specialized storage features like Door-in-Door compartments 
  • Proven reliable linear compressors for quiet and consistent cooling
  • Lower prices compared to Samsung on similarly equipped models

Reasons to Choose Samsung:

  • Modern, sleek designs including their Family Hub touchscreen models
  • FlexZone drawer offers adjustable fridge-to-freezer temperature
  • Dual ice makers and autofill water pitchers on some models
  • Excellent temperature control and humidity using a Triple Cooling system
  • Often runs promotions to match LG pricing on comparable models

As you can see, there are great options from both brands. LG refrigerators shine for storage flexibility, smart connectivity, and specialized features. Samsung fridges are unmatched for their modern style, premium additions like dual ice makers, and top-notch cooling performance. 

Ultimately, the right refrigerator depends on your kitchen needs and preferences. Be sure to find the right configuration, size, and features that best suit your lifestyle. And of course, pay close attention to pricing and warranty terms for the specific models you're considering. This will ensure you get the best long-term value for your budget.

For most homeowners, you really can't go wrong with either an LG or Samsung. Both are amazing appliances that will keep your food cold and organized for over a decade. We hope this detailed brand comparison helps you decide whether it's best to go with reliable LG or modern Samsung for your next refrigerator.



Whether you choose LG or Samsung, investing in a quality refrigerator is a long-term decision that can improve your everyday cooking. Be sure to shop around for competitive pricing and buy from authorized retailers like Airport Home Appliance to ensure you get the full manufacturer's warranty. Proper delivery and installation are also key to getting your new LG or Samsung refrigerator up and running in your kitchen.

With either brand, take time to learn about the top features so you can take full advantage of the specialized storage options, advanced cooling technology, and smart connectivity these modern refrigerators offer. When cared for properly, your LG or Samsung refrigerator should provide over 10 years of near-silent cooling for all your fresh and frozen foods. Decide which brand's strengths make the most sense for your lifestyle, and you'll enjoy the convenience of an elite refrigerator in your kitchen for years to come.