Two White LG electric washers standing side by side

Chances are, you’ve heard people throw out the term “Energy Efficient” when talking about housing, the environment, and even money! But what does this term mean? And how does it tie into your home appliances?

Energy Efficient simply means being able to do the same task while using less energy and in the process, saving money and cutting down on pollution. However, many homeowners don’t even know that many of their own home appliances are using up more energy than they should be.

The thing is, when shopping for appliances, they always carry two price tags. Meaning they will always have their sticker price and an annual Energy Guide price. The Energy Guide price tells homeowners how much the estimate they would be spending for the appliances' energy consumption. The hard-to-miss yellow Energy Guide tag is actually an ingenious way to save and make your home energy efficient.

Energy Efficient Appliances

Back in the day, appliances were huge energy wasters. However, with advancing technology, modern-day appliances are now well-rounded energy savers that help save your wallet and the earth. Now, you don’t have to toss out your current appliance just because it might be on the higher end of the Energy Guide, but there are so many different options for when, and if, you want to make the switch.


The Bosch 500 Series Heat Pump Dryer is a great option for a dryer that practically stays at the lowest kWh (kilowatt-hour) yearly when compared to most dryers that can run up to three times the energy in that same year. With a standard drier such as this one, you can easily do the job at hand and still save on your bills.

Similarly, the LG Mega Capacity Smart Front Load Washer with TurboWash 360° is a great energy saver as it has a yearly cost of $13 while most washers can go as high as $51. Plus, it's got an estimated 105kWh electricity use per year, rating better than most and still not as high as half of the other washers.


In the kitchen, you could save more with the Beko 24” Counter-depth Bottom Freezer Refrigerator which has an estimated yearly energy cost of $34 and only uses 286kWh a year. This is in comparison to some models that can go as high as $63 and is a top-rated appliance in efficiency overall.

After a long night, save up on your dirty dishes and use the Beko Tall Tub Dishwasher appliance that only costs $29 a year to operate uses 234kWh yearly, and is rated best overall in energy efficiency.


Again, there are plenty of more variations when it comes to what appliances are energy efficient, the list goes on and on! Taking that extra second to look over the Energy Guide tag can really save you a dime in the long run. Otherwise, if purchasing online, find the appliance you’re interested in, scroll down to its specs or manufacturer documents and you should be able to find its Energy Guide tag. All these appliances and more can be found in person or online at Airport Home Appliance!